Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

(based on COPE's Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors)




Standards for Reporting


When composing reports on original research, it is essential for authors to provide a precise depiction of the conducted work, coupled with an impartial analysis of its importance. The data forming the foundation of the report must be faithfully represented. A comprehensive level of detail and appropriate references should be included to enable others to duplicate the research. Deliberate deception or knowingly erroneous statements are deemed unethical actions and are not tolerated.


Data Accessibility and Preservation


Authors are expected to furnish the original data pertaining to their paper for editorial assessment. They should also be willing to grant public access to this data and, in any circumstance, be ready to store the data for a reasonable duration following publication.


Originality and Plagiarism


The Advances in Web Development Journal (AWDJ) is dedicated to promoting original scholarly work and maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy toward plagiarism. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submitted work is entirely original, appropriately crediting the works and/or words of others through proper citations when utilized. Any form of plagiarism is considered unethical publishing behaviour and will not be tolerated. Any content directly quoted from the author's previously published work or other sources must be enclosed in quotation marks. Manuscripts with a similarity index exceeding 20% will either face rejection or be subject to the editor's discretion for conditional acceptance. Authors are allowed to submit manuscripts that have been previously published in abstracted form, such as in the proceedings of an annual meeting or in publications with limited circulation and availability, such as reports from government agencies or university departments. If the research paper is a component of a research thesis, the author must explicitly disclose this information to the managing editor at the time of submission, along with other relevant details. However, the thesis must not be formally published in book form by any academic publisher. In cases where the paper has been published in full paper proceedings of a conference or other meeting, the similarity between the paper submitted for journal publication and its previous version must not exceed 40%. Authors are required to notify the managing editor of such instances during the submission process.

Multiple, Redundant, or Simultaneous Publication


As a general guideline, authors are discouraged from publishing manuscripts that essentially describe the same research in multiple journals or primary publications. Simultaneously submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals is considered unethical publishing behaviour and is not acceptable.


Acknowledgment of Sources


It is imperative to consistently provide proper acknowledgment for the work of others. Authors are required to cite publications that have had a significant impact on shaping the content of the reported work.


Authorship of the Manuscript


Authorship should be confined to individuals who have made substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study being reported. All individuals who have made noteworthy contributions should be acknowledged as co-authors. In cases where others have been involved in specific substantial aspects of the research project, their contributions should be duly acknowledged or they should be recognized as contributors.

The corresponding author bears the responsibility of ensuring that all appropriate co-authors are included in the paper and that no inappropriate co-authors are listed. Furthermore, the corresponding author must confirm that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript and have consented to its submission for publication.


Hazards and Involvement of Human or Animal Subjects


When the research involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment that pose any unusual hazards inherent to their use, the author is obligated to distinctly outline these hazards within the manuscript.


Disclosure and Resolution of Conflicts of Interest


Every author is required to openly disclose within their manuscript any financial or other significant conflict of interest that could potentially be seen as exerting an influence on the results or interpretation presented in their manuscript. Furthermore, all sources of financial support for the project must be fully disclosed.

Addressing Substantial Errors in Published Works


In the event that an author identifies a substantial error or inaccuracy within their own published work, it becomes the author's responsibility to expeditiously inform the journal editor or publisher and collaborate with the editor to either retract or rectify the paper.



Publication Decision-Making


The editor of Advances in Web Development Journal (AWDJ) holds the responsibility for determining which of the submitted articles should be accepted for publication. The editor may take into consideration the guidelines set forth by the journal's editorial board and must adhere to legal obligations pertaining to libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism that are currently in effect. Additionally, the editor may engage in discussions with other editors or reviewers to assist in reaching a publication decision.


Fair Assessment


The editor of Advances in Web Development Journal (AWDJ) is committed to evaluating manuscripts based solely on their intellectual content. This evaluation is conducted without any consideration of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy.


Confidentiality in Manuscript Handling


The editor and all members of the editorial team are obliged to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any information related to a submitted manuscript. This information should not be disclosed to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and the publisher, as deemed appropriate.

However, in cases involving misconduct investigations, Advances in Web Development Journal (AWDJ) may be compelled to disclose relevant materials to third parties, such as an institutional investigation committee or other editors.


Disclosure and Handling of Conflicts of Interest


Any unpublished materials revealed within a submitted manuscript must not be utilized in an editor's personal research without obtaining explicit written consent from the author.


Correction of Errors


In instances where legitimate errors in published work are brought to light by readers, authors, or editors, provided that these errors do not invalidate the work, a correction (or erratum) will be promptly published. The online version of the paper may be updated with a correction date and a link to the printed erratum.




Contribution to Editorial Decision-Making


Peer review serves as a fundamental element of the formal scholarly communication process. It aids the editor in arriving at editorial decisions and, through editorial communication with the author, may also facilitate the author in enhancing the quality of the paper.


Timely Review


Should any appointed referee believe that they lack the qualifications to evaluate the research presented in a manuscript, or foresee that they cannot perform a prompt review, it is their responsibility to inform the editor and withdraw from the review process.


Maintaining Confidentiality


All manuscripts received for review must be regarded as confidential documents. They should not be shared with or discussed with individuals who are not expressly authorized by the editor to do so.


Objective Review Standards


Reviews should be conducted in an objective manner. It is not appropriate to engage in personal criticism of the author. Referees should express their perspectives clearly, substantiated with supporting arguments.


Acknowledging Sources


Reviewers are expected to identify pertinent published work that the authors have not cited. Any assertion regarding a prior observation, derivation, or argument must be accompanied by the appropriate citation. Reviewers should also bring to the editor's attention any significant resemblance or duplication between the manuscript under evaluation and any other previously published paper of which they have personal awareness.


Disclosure and Management of Conflicts of Interest


Reviewers are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of privileged information or ideas obtained during the peer review process and refrain from using them for personal gain. Reviewers should not assess manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest stemming from competitive, collaborative, or other affiliations or associations with any of the authors, companies, or institutions linked to the papers.


"Ghostwriting" Procedure




Reliability is a cornerstone of education and scholarly work. It is imperative that readers have confidence that the results presented in a publication are transparent, fair, and honest. Authors must present their work in a manner that accurately reflects whether they are the primary contributors or have received support from natural or legal entities. As such, providing information about entities that have played a role in the creation of a publication, be it through substantive or financial contributions, is essential. This not only reflects good ethical standards but also embodies corporate social responsibility. Conversely, actions to the contrary are encapsulated in the phenomena known as "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship."


"Ghostwriting" and "Guest Authorship"


"Ghostwriting" entails concealing the involvement of individuals who have made significant contributions to the creation of a publication. Conversely, if someone's contribution to a publication is minimal or nonexistent, yet they are still listed as an author or co-author, this constitutes "guest authorship."




To prevent cases of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship," authors of a publication should explicitly acknowledge the contributions of individual authors in the development of the work. This includes specifying authorship of ideas, assumptions, methodologies, and other aspects that contributed to the publication's development. The primary responsibility for the article rests with the author.

Additionally, authors should disclose information about the sources of funding for the publication and the contributions of research institutions, associations, and other entities ("financial disclosure").

"Ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" are considered forms of scientific misconduct, and as such, every identified case will be exposed and documented. The editors will notify the institutions employing the authors as well as relevant scientific societies. All instances of scientific misconduct, particularly violations of ethical standards applicable in the field of science, will be meticulously recorded and addressed.